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Heaven Razah X Steven King : " THE CREEPSHOW " - SUNZ OF MAN - CD metal square

(Code: HR-CS-MC)
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(7 Article(s) en stock)
29,99 EUR
(-10,14%) 26,95 EUR
01. Creepshow Intro
02. Hell's Pit
03. My Deity 
04. Pigs Interlude
05. Lonesome Legend
06. Cat's Eye Interlude
07. Blues
08. Death Wish
09. Heaven Interlude 
10. Godz
11. Caravan
12. Taken
13. The Broadcast Interlude 
14. Echoez
15. Greedy
16. Grind
17. Interview Outro

Exclusive manufacturing version granted by HELL RAZAH to Graphic Express

Steven King, not to be confused by the author, is but a man from Southeastern Indiana, who has battled the many elements for decades to place a footprint in the world of hiphop. Being a crate digger, he incorporated the ideas of 70's and 80's nostalgia based loops, and within the minds of himself and Heaven Razah, one of Mr. King's hiphop heroes, collectively, they grab a chokehold on one of the greatest names in the horror movie genre. Creepshow brings a cinematic approach in flashback form through the mind of Steven King, with some of the best parables Heaven Razah has ever spit. Heavenly Kingdom is a bombastic trip into the mind of Steven King, 8 years old, in 84, going downstairs to listen to his mom and dad's old vinyl hidden away in the basement, knowing he was going to use everything he was hearing.

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