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ASTRO VANDALIST " Background Radiation " CD METAL CASE ALBUM - Planet Asia - Craig G - Peacwon - Edo G -

(2 Article(s) en stock)
18,90 EUR
(-8,73%) 17,25 EUR
01. Legendary Intro
02. End Of Days featuring Eloh Kush
03. Holy Water
04. Let Me talk To You Intro
05. Let Me talk To You
06. WW3
07. Malcolm X Files
08. The Armor Of God
09. Wolves featuring Passport Rav
10. Method Man Outro


Exclusive manufacturing version granted by HELL RAZAH  to Graphic Express

Chron "Hell Razah” Smith was a member of Wu-Tang Clan affiliate group Sunz of Man, who scored a gold album with their debut The Last Shall Be First. Sometimes known as Heaven Razah, his solo career is highlighted the critically-acclaimed album, Renaissance Child, which found him collaborating with MF Doom, Talib Kweli, Tragedy Khadafi and more. Razah continues to issue a steady stream of albums and guest features, and leads his online community, the Ghetto Government. Hell Razah.
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En France métropolitaine


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